

PorterLB is an open-source load balancer implementation designed for bare-metal Kubernetes clusters.

Why PorterLB

In cloud-based Kubernetes clusters, Services are usually exposed by using load balancers provided by cloud vendors. However, cloud-based load balancers are unavailable in bare-metal environments. PorterLB allows users to create LoadBalancer Services in bare-metal environments for external access, and provides the same user experience as cloud-based load balancers.

Core Features

  • BGP mode and Layer 2 mode
  • ECMP routing and load balancing
  • IP address pool management
  • BGP configuration using CRDs
  • Installation using Helm and KubeSphere

Support, Discussion and Contributing

PorterLB is a sub-project of KubeSphere.



PorterLB is a promising newcomer in Service proxy, which enriches the CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape.


PorterLB is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

最新更新 July 7, 2021: update submodeul (a8fd849)